
  • 論文リスト

  • 年次研究活動報告

論文 / Papers

  • 1. paper on nonlinear spectroscopy for buried liquid-solid working interface


    (in preparation)

  • 2. paper on nonlinear spectroscopy for novel material structure analysis


    (in preparation)

  • 3. paper on novel nonlinear spectroscopy with ultrathin interface sensitivity


    (in preparation)

  • 4. paper on novel ultra-fast light pulse generation for next generation spectroscopy

    T. Kanai et al.;

    (in preparation)

  • 5. paper on near-field nonlinear molecular nanospectroscopy

    A. Sakurai et al., ;

    (in preparation)

  • 6. paper on near-field nonlinear molecular nanoscopy

    S. Takahashi et al., ;

    (in preparation)

  • 7. paper on environmental effect in water photocatalysis

    H. Saito et al., ;

    (in preparation)

  • 8. paper on impact of metal cocatalysts in methane photocatalysis

    H. Sato and T. Sugimoto;

    (in preparation)

  • 9. paper on physics of ice as strongly correlated proton system

    N. Aiga and T. Sugimoto;

    (in preparation)

  • 10. paper on physical chemistry in water photocatalysis

    Z. Lin et al., ;

    (in preparation)

  • 11. paper on coherent Raman spectroscopy of interfaces



  • 12. Giant near-field nonlinear electrophotonic effects in an angstrom-scale plasmonic junction

    Shota Takahashi, Atsunori Sakurai*, Tatsuto Mochizuki and Toshiki Sugimoto*;


  • 13. Picocavity-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Physisorbed H2 and D2 Molecules

    Akitoshi Shiotari, Shuyi Liu, George Trenins, Toshiki Sugimoto, Martin Wolf, Mariana Rossi, and Takashi Kumagai;


  • 14. Tip-Enhanced Sum Frequency Generation for Molecular Vibrational Nanospectroscopy

    Atsunori Sakurai*, Shota Takahashi, Tatsuto Mochizuki, and Toshiki Sugimoto*;


  • 15. Critical impacts of metal cocatalysts on oxidation kinetics and optimal reaction conditions of photocatalytic methane reforming

    Hiromasa Sato, Hikaru Saito, Taisuke Higashi and Toshiki Sugimoto ;

    Chemical Communications just accepted, (2025)

    https://doi.org/10.1039/D4CC06774F -selected as "2025 Pioneering Investigators"-
  • 16. 理想モデル表面系と実材料表面系の狭間で:オペランド赤外分光で迫る水分解水素発生光触媒反応場の新たな実像


    表面と真空 in press , (2025)

  • 17. 理想モデル系と実材料系の狭間で-実物質・実プロセスにおける界面水の構造機能分子科学の夜明け


    分子研レターズ 90, 5-9 (2024)

  • 18. Tuning the thermodynamic ordering of strongly correlated protons in ice by angstrom-scale interface modification

    N. Aiga and T. Sugimoto*;

    Communications Materials 5, 204 (2024)

    •  私たちは、空間反転対称性の破れたプロトン配置に敏感な二次非線形分光法(和周波発生振動分光法)と、分子・原子スケールでの精密な界面変調・修飾技術を組み合わせることで、結晶氷の水素結合ネットワークにおける強相関多体プロトン系の物性を変調・制御する方法論を確立しました。特に今回の研究では、互いに強く相関し幾何学的フラストレーションを内在する『結晶氷中の多体プロトン系』をモデルとして上記の実証を行いました。具体的には、ヘテロエピタキシャル成長させたしたメゾスケール厚さの結晶氷薄膜において、高温プロトン秩序層の出現と消失(及びその相転移挙動)を、わずかオングストロームスケールの厚さの界面エンジニアリングにより劇的に変調・制御可能であることを見出しました。
       By combining proton-order sensitive nonlinear optical spectroscopy and well-defined interface modification at molecular/atomic scale, we demonstrate the possibility of extensively tuning the emergent physical properties of strongly correlated protons beyond the thermodynamic constraints of bulk hydrogen bonds. Focusing on heteroepitaxially grown crystalline ice films as a model of a strongly correlated and frustrated proton system, we show that the emergence and disappearance of a high-Tc proton order on the nano- to mesoscale is readily switched by angstrom-scale interface engineering.

  • 19. Direct Operando Identification of Reactive Electron Species Driving Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution on Metal-loaded Oxides

    H. Sato & T. Sugimoto*;

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 24800–24807 (2024)

  • 20. Positive and negative impacts of interfacial hydrogen bonds on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

    Zhongqiu Lin, Hikaru Saito, Hiromasa Sato and Toshiki Sugimoto*;

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 22276–22283 (2024)

    • これまでの触媒開発研究は触媒材料に着目することが主流でしたが、本研究により、反応分子である界面水に着目する事の本質的重要性が明らかになりました。水分子の存在量や水素結合構造/状態を設計・制御する方向性、すなわち『界面水のエンジニアリング』、により既存の限界を突破して水素発生反応の更なる活性向上を図る新たな研究開発の取り組み・発展が今後期待されます!

    • 分子科学研究所 プレスリリース(2024/07/19)


    • IMS Press Release(2024/07/19)

      Positive and Negative Impacts of Interfacial Hydrogen Bonds on Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
      -Identifying the reaction conditions that maximize catalytic activity in photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under water vapor atmospheres-

    • EurkAlert!(2024/07/18)

      Positive and negative impacts of interfacial hydrogen bonds on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

    • https://x.com/IMS1975/status/1814103482494074912

    • Swifttelecast(2024/07/19)

      New insights into interfacial hydrogen bonds could enhance photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

    • Phys.Org.(2024/07/19)

      New insights into interfacial hydrogen bonds could enhance photocatalytic hydrogen evolution

    • MIRAGE(2024/07/19)

      Interfacial Hydrogen Bonds: Dual Impact on Photocatalysis

  • 21. Bonding of Water to Metal Surfaces

    Toshiki Sugimoto,* Hirohito Ogasawara*;

    Encyclopedia of solid-liquid interfaces 2, 189-202 (2024)

    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers
      Core-level X-ray spectroscopy meets nonlinear optical vibrational spectroscopy (SFG)!
      This instructional article is written for new challengers who aim to pioneer the exciting research field of interfacial molecular science of water.

    • https://twitter.com/SugimotoGroup/status/1772556127580160366

  • 22. First-principles study of water adsorption monolayer on Pt(111): adsorption energy and second-order nonlinear susceptibility

    Jun Haruyama, Toshiki Sugimoto and Osamu Sugino;

    Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 115803 (2023)

  • 23. 実触媒・実反応環境下の表面界面分子科学開拓への挑戦~界面水による光触媒的C-H活性化とメタン転換の促進効果~

    杉本 敏樹;

    表面と真空 66 巻 10 号, 580-586 (2023)

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1380/vss.66.580
    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 24. Facilitating methane conversion and hydrogen evolution on platinized gallium oxide photocatalyst through liquid-like water nanofilm formation

    Fumiaki Amano, Atsushi Ishikawa, Hiromasa Sato, Chiho Akamoto, Surya Pratap Singh, Seiji Yamazoe and Toshiki Sugimoto ;

    Catalysis Today 426, 114375 (2024) (2023)

  • 25. Broadband tip-enhanced nonlinear optical response in a plasmonic nanocavity

    Shota Takahashi, Atsunori Sakurai*, Tatsuto Mochizuki and Toshiki Sugimoto*;

    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 6919–6926 (2023)

  • 26. Beyond reduction cocatalysts: critical role of metal cocatalysts in photocatalytic oxidation of methane with water

    Hikaru Saito, Hiromasa Sato, Taisuke Higashi, Toshiki Sugimoto*;

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62, e2023060 (2023)

  • 27. Angstrom-scale interface modification extensively tunes thermodynamic ordering of strongly correlated protons in ice

    Norihiro Aiga, Toshiki Sugimoto* ;

    ChemRxiv 10.26434, psqq6 (2023)

  • 28. Concerted effects of local and nonlocal plasmons on the broadband nonlinear optical response in tip-enhanced nanophotonics

    Shota Takahashi, Atsunori Sakurai*, Tatsuto Mochizuki and Toshiki Sugimoto*;

    ChemRxiv 10.26434, 7phst (2023)

  • 29. Critical impacts of interfacial water on C–H activation in photocatalytic methane conversion

    Hiromasa Sato, Atsushi Ishikawa, Hikaru Saito, Taisuke Higashi, Kotaro Takeyasu and Toshiki Sugimoto;

    Communications Chemistry 6, 8 (2023)

    DOI: 10.1038/s42004-022-00803-3
  • 30. First-Principles Study for the Structures of Pt(111)/H2O Adsorption Layer

    Jun Haruyama, Toshiki Sugimoto, and Osamu Sugino: ;

    Vacuum and Surface Science 65, 355-360 (2022)

    DOI: 10.1380/vss.65.355
  • 31. Sustainable Organic Synthesis Promoted on Titanium Dioxide using Coordinated Water and Renewable Energies/Resources

    Miho Yamauchi, Hikaru Saito, Toshiki Sugimoto, Shogo Mori, Susumu Saito;

    Coord.Chem.Rev. 472, 214773 (2022)

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2022.214773
    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 32. オペランド分光による活性種観測の新展開 ~メタン水蒸気改質光触媒反応を例に~

    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 33. 表面に形成される強誘電氷―非線形分光で迫る物質表面水分子の配向構造と特異物性

    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 34. Operando FT-IR Spectroscopy of Steam-methane-reforming Photocatalyst under Irradiation of Intensity Modulated UV Light

    Hiromasa Sato & Toshiki Sugimoto;

    Vacuum and Surface Science 63, 476–481 (2020)

    DOI: 10.1380/vss.63.476
  • 35. Peculiar Hydrogen-Bond Structure, Physical Properties and Function of Interfacial Water Molecules Elucidated by Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy

    Toshiki Sugimoto;

    Mol. Sci. 14, A0112- (2020)

    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers
      第12回(2019年度)分子科学会奨励賞 受賞記念記事

  • 36. Orientational ordering in heteroepitaxial water ice on metal surfaces

    Toshiki Sugimoto & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 16453-16466 (2020)

    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 37. Unique Hydrogen-Bond Structures of Water Molecules at Ice Surface

    Toshiki Sugimoto;

    Chem. Chem Ind. 73, 490 (1page) (2020)

    日本化学会 ディビジョン・トピックス(物理化学ディビジョン)​
    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 38. Observation of proton ordering in crystalline-ice films grown on low-temperature substrate by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy

    Toshiki Sugimoto;

    Lot. Temp. Sci. 78, 61-70 (2020)

    DOI: 10.14943/lowtemsci.78.61
    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 39. Direct experimental evidence for markedly enhanced surface proton activity inherent to water ice​

    Fumiaki Kato, Toshiki Sugimoto & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 2524-2529 (2020)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00384
  • 40. Thickness dependent homogeneous crystallization of ultrathin amorphous solid water films​

    Kuniaki Harada, Toshiki Sugimoto, Fumiaki Kato, Kazuya Watanabe & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 1963-1973 (2020)

    DOI: 10.1039/C9CP05981D
  • 41. Vapor-Fed Photoelectrolysis of Water at 0.3 V Using Gas-Diffusion Photoanodes of SrTiO3 Layers​

    Fumiaki Amano, Hyosuke Mukohara, Hiroki Sato, Chihiro Tateishi, Hiromasa Sato & Toshiki Sugimoto;

    Sustainable Energy Fuels 4, 1443-1453 (2020)

    DOI: 10.1039/c9se01068h
  • 42. Unveiling two deuteration effects on hydrogen-bond breaking process of water isotopomers

    Fumiaki Kato, Toshiki Sugimoto, Kuniaki Harada, Kazuya Watanabe & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 112001 (R) [7 pages]​ (2019)

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevmaterials.3.112001
    • IMS News (2019/12/02)

      水分子間の水素結合に隠された量子力学的効果の発見! ~結合を強める量子効果と弱める量子効果が織り成す水分子水素結合の特異性~(杉本グループら)

    • IMS News (2019/12/02)

      The impact of molecular rotation on a peculiar isotope effect on water hydrogen bonds

    • EurekaAlert! (2019/12/02)

      The impact of molecular rotation on a peculiar isotope effect on water hydrogen bonds

  • 43. Enhanced Structural Disorder at a Nanocrystalline Ice Surface​

    Yuji Otsuki, Kazuya Watanabe, Toshiki Sugimoto & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 20442-20453 (2019)

    DOI: 10.1039/c8cp07269h
  • 44. 和周波発生振動分光計測と分子シミュレーションからみる氷表面の分子構造

    杉本敏樹, 石山達也;

    アンサンブル : 分子シミュレーション研究会会誌 21, 177-184 (2019)

    DOI: 10.11436/mssj.21.177
    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 45. 水分子凝集系における水素原子の位置に敏感な和周波発生振動分光法


    エレクトロニクスコミュニケーション誌 34, 19-24 (2019)

    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 46. Topologically disordered mesophase at topmost surface of crystalline ice between 120 and 200 K

    Toshiki Sugimoto, Yuji Otsuki, Tatsuya Ishiyama, Akihiro Morita, Kazuya Watanabe & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Phys. Rev. B (Rapid communication) 99, 121402(R) [7 pages] (2019)

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.99.121402
    • 120K-200Kの結晶氷の表面において,純粋な結晶状態でも液体状態でもない特異な水素結合状態が存在することを報告しました。​

  • 47. Sum-frequency generation spectroscopy of heteroepitaxial ice films: Unveiling orientation of water molecules, and structural and physical properties of ice

    Toshiki Sugimoto;

    J. Spectrosc. Soc. Jpn. 67, 189-196 (2018)

    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 48. Origins of emergent high-Tc ferroelectric ordering in heteroepitaxial ice film: Sum-frequency generation spectroscopy of H2O and D2O ice films on Pt(111)

    Norihiro Aiga, Toshiki Sugimoto, Yuji Otsuki, Kazuya Watanabe & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Phys. Rev. B 97, 075410 [21 pages] (2018)

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.97.075410
  • 49. Water-assisted hole trapping at highly curved surface of nano-TiO2 photocatalyst

    Kenji Shirai, Gianluca Fazio, Toshiki Sugimoto, Daniele Selli, Lorenzo Ferraro, Kazuya Watanabe, Mitsutaka Haruta, Bunsho Ohtani, Hiroki Kurata, Cristiana Di Valentin & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 1415–1422 (2018)

    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b11061
  • 50. Inelastic Electron Tunneling Mediated by Molecular Quantum Rotator

    Toshiki Sugimoto, Yuji Kunisada & Katsuyuki Fukutani;

    Phys. Rev. B (Rapid communication) 96, 241409(R) [7 pages] (2017)

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.96.241409
  • 51. Particle Size Dependence of Carrier Dynamics and Reactivity of Photocatalyst BiVO4 Probed with Single-Particle Transient Absorption Microscopy

    Mitsunori Yabuta, Atsuhiro Takeda, Toshiki Sugimoto, Kazuya Watanabe, Akihiko Kudo & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    J. Phys. Chem. C. 121, 22060–22066 (2017)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06230
  • 52. Unveiling subsurface hydrogen-bond structure of hexagonal water ice

    Yuji Otsuki, Toshiki Sugimoto, Tatsuya Ishiyama, Akihiro Morita, Kazuya Watanabe & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Phys. Rev. B 96, 115405 (2017)

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.96.115405
  • 53. Fast crystalline ice formation at extremely low temperature through water/neon matrix sublimation

    Tetsuya Hama, Shinnosuke Ishizuka, Tomoya Yamazaki, Yuki Kimura, Akira Kouchi, Naoki Watanabe, Toshiki Sugimoto & Valerio Pirronellod;

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 17677-17684 (2017)

    DOI: 10.1039/c7cp03315j
    • – Selected as “2017 PCCP HOT Articles”

  • 54. Coherent singlet fission activated by symmetry breaking

    Kiyoshi Miyata, Yuki Kurashige, Kazuya Watanabe, Toshiki Sugimoto, Shota Takahashi, Shunsuke Tanaka, Jun Takeya, Takeshi Yanai & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Nature Chem. 9, 983–989 (2017)

    DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2784
  • 55. Infrared spectroscopy of water adsorbates on TiO2-photocatalyst surface that directly contribute to trapping of photo-generated hole

    Toshiki Sugimoto;

    FTIR Talk Lett. 28, 2-7(査読なし) (2017)

    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 56. Disentangling multidimensional non-equilibrium dynamics of adsorbates: CO desorption from Cu(100)

    Ken-ichi Inoue, Kazuya Watanabe, Toshiki Sugimoto, Yoshiyasu Matsumoto & Tomokazu Yasuike;

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 186101 (2016)

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.186101
    • "The Calisthenics of Surface Femtochemistry" [October26, 2016・Physics 9, 123]
      – Featured in Physical Reveiw Letters, Viewpoint

  • 57. Nuclear Spin Dynamics of Molecular Hydrogen Adsorbed on Solid Surfaces –Interdisciplinary Surface Electromagnetic Process-

    Toshiki Sugimoto & Katsuyuki Fukutani;

    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71, 668-678 (2016)

    DOI: 10.11316/butsuri.71.10_668
    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 58. Emergent high-Tc ferroelectric ordering of strongly correlated and frustrated protons in a heteroepitaxial ice film

    Toshiki Sugimoto, Norihiro Aiga, Yuji Otsuki, Kazuya Watanabe & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Nature Phys. 12, 1063–1068 (2016)

    DOI: 10.1038/nphys3820
  • 59. Enhancement of the Exciton Coherence Size in Organic Semiconductor by Alkyl-Chain Substitution

    Shunsuke Tanaka, Kiyoshi Miyata, Toshiki Sugimoto, Kazuya Watanabe, Takafumi Uemura, Jun Takeya & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 7941-7948 (2016)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b12686
  • 60. Effect of Water Adsorption on Carrier Trapping Dynamics at the Surface of Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles

    Kenji Shirai, Toshiki Sugimoto, Kazuya Watanabe, Mitsutaka Haruta, Hiroki Kurata & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Nano Lett. 16, 1323-1327 (2016)

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b04724
    • – Featured in Physical Reveiw Letters, Viewpoint
      "The Calisthenics of Surface Femtochemistry" [October26, 2016・Physics 9, 123]

  • 61. Ortho-Para Conversion of Molecular Hydrogen physisorbed on highly-pure amorphous solid water surfaces

    Toshiki Sugimoto;

    Low Temp. Mat. Sci. Kyoto Univ. 26, 10-17 (2015)

    DOI: 10.14989/203122
    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 62. Microscopic hole transfer efficiency in organic thin film transistors studied with charge modulation spectroscopy

    Kiyoshi Miyata, Shunsuke Tanaka, Yuuta Ishino, Kazuya Watanabe, Takafumi Uemura, Jun Takeya, Toshiki Sugimoto & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Phys. Rev. B 91, 195306 (2015)

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.195306
  • 63. Coherent Phonon Dynamics in Singlet Fission of Rubrene Single Crystal

    Kiyoshi MiyataShunsuke TanakaToshiki SugimotoKazuya WatanabeTakafumi UemuraJun Takeya & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    Springer Proceedings in Physics 162, 218-221 (2015)

    DOI :10.1007/978-3-319-13242-6_52
  • 64. Effects of cocatalyst on carrier dynamics of a titanate photocatalyst with layered perovskite structure

    Mitsunori Yabuta, Tomoaki Takayama, Kenji Shirai, Kazuya Watanabe, Akihiko Kudo, Toshiki Sugimoto & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 10972–10979 (2014)

    DOI: 10.1021/jp502775y
  • 65. Effects of Rotational-Symmetry Breaking on Physisorption of Ortho- and Para-H2 on Ag(111)

    Toshiki Sugimoto & Katsuyuki Fukutani;

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 146101 (2014)

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.112.146101
    • – Featured in Research Highlights of Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter(World Scientific) 3 , 29 (2014).
      – Featured in Advances in Engineering, January 27 2015.

  • 66. Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics in Dinaphtho[2,3-b:2’3’-f]thieno[3,2-b]-thiophene Thin Films

    Yuuta Ishino, Kiyoshi Miyata, Toshiki Sugimoto, Kazuya Watanabe, Yoshiyasu Matsumoto, Takafumi Uemura & Jun Takeya Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 7501-7512 (2014) DOI:10.1039/c3cp54157f;

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 7501-7512 (2014)

    DOI: 10.1039/c3cp54157f
  • 67. Physisorption and ortho–para conversion of molecular hydrogen on solid surfaces

    Katsuyuki Fukutani & Toshiki Sugimoto;

    Prog. Surf. Sci. 88, 279-348 (2013)

    DOI: 10.1016/j.progsurf.2013.09.001
    • 総説・解説 / Review Papers

  • 68. Analytical Formula for Calculating Adsorption Density of States on Chamber Surfaces from Measured Pressure Change

    Kotaro Takeyasu, Toshiki Sugimoto & Katsuyuki Fukutani ;

    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 114602 (2013)

    DOI: 10.7566/jpsj.82.114602
  • 69. Electron–phonon coupling dynamics at oxygen evolution sites of visible-light-driven photocatalyst: Bismuth vanadate

    Norihiro Aiga, Qingxin Jia, Kazuya Watanabe, Akihiko Kudo, Toshiki Sugimoto & Yoshiyasu Matsumoto;

    J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 9881-9886 (2013)

    DOI: 10.1021/jp4013027
  • 70. Gas dynamics in the vacuum chamber with a single adsorption site on the Wall Surface: Origin of the exponential pressure decay with the time constant of sub-kilo seconds

    Toshiki Sugimoto, Kotaro Takeyasu & Katsuyuki Fukutani ;

    J. Vac. Soc. Jpn. 56, 322-329 (2013)

    DOI: 10.3131/jvsj2.56.322
  • 71. Analysis of a pumping curve of water with the conversion equation from pressure to adsorption density of states

    Kotaro Takeyasu, Toshiki Sugimoto & Katsuyuki Fukutani;;

    J. Vac. Soc. Jpn. 56, 457-460 [invited paper] (2013)

  • 72. Rotational spectroscopy of HD by laser-induced fluorescence

    Qingyang Wang, Toshiki Sugimoto & Katsuyuki Fukutani ;

    Seisankenkyu 64, 807-810 (2012)

    DOI: 10.11188/seisankenkyu.64.807
  • 73. Low-temperature surface phase and phase transition of physisorbed oxygen on the Ag(111) surface

    Yoshinori Kazama, Masuaki Matsumoto, Toshiki Sugimoto, Tatsuo Okano & Katsuyuki Fukutani;

    Phys. Rev. B 84, 064128 (2011)

    DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.84.064128
  • 74. Electric-Field induced nuclear-spin flips mediated by enhanced spin orbit coupling

    Toshiki Sugimoto & Katsuyuki Fukutani;

    Nature Phys. 7, 307-310 (2011)

    DOI: 10.1038/nphys1883
  • 75. The reflection operation and the Σ- term of linear molecules

    Koichiro Yamakawa, Toshiki Sugimoto & Katsuyuki Fukutani;

    Mol. Sci. , AC0014 (2010)

  • 76. Problem of gas dose with micro-capillary array

    Toshiki Sugimoto, Tatsuo Okano & Katsuyuki Fukutani;

    J. Vac. Soc. Jpn. 52, 141-144 (2009)

    DOI: 10.3131/jvsj2.52.141